Eftersom jag reser så mycket och träffar intressanta yrkesverksamma inom design, kommer jag från och med nu att göra små snabba miniintervjuer med spännande människor som jag möter. Började idag i Hamburg. Först ut Designhistorikern och teoretikern Michael Erlhoff, som var en av de inbjudna talarna i designseminariet Design S-tag, samt hans partner, Uta Brandes, tillika professor och designforskare.
As I am traveling around, and meet a lot of interesting people, I will make some quick mini interviews with the same questions to all. Today was my debut in Hamburg.
Current project? I’m writing on a new and needed book about the Aestetics of Design
Current passion? My Havanna Cigars obviously, and acting & discussing with my Chinese and Korean contacts
Your next move? To start a New Masters program in China – Shunde – and in Seoul. A program for education of high professionals in design.
What is Swedish Design to you? Fantastic History & Hope
Example of useless design or architecture? Nespresso
Your greatest strength? I can listen and try to learn permanently
Your greatest motivation? To change the world. No less.
Your greatest weakness? I trust people too much. I critizise and have enemies, but I believe in people.
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