Eftersom jag reser så mycket och träffar intressanta yrkesverksamma inom design, kommer jag från och med nu att göra små snabba miniintervjuer med spännande människor som jag möter. Började idag i Hamburg. Först ut Designhistorikern och teoretikern Michael Erlhoff, som var en av de inbjudna talarna i designseminariet Design S-tag, samt hans partner, Uta Brandes, tillika professor och designforskare.
As I am traveling around, and meet a lot of interesting people, I will make some quick mini interviews with the same questions to all. Today was my debut in Hamburg.
Professor Dr Michael Erlhoff, Professor for Design Theory and Design History, International School of Design, Köln
Current project? I’m writing on a new and needed book about the Aestetics of Design
Current passion? My Havanna Cigars obviously, and acting & discussing with my Chinese and Korean contacts
Your next move? To start a New Masters program in China – Shunde – and in Seoul. A program for education of high professionals in design.
What is Swedish Design to you? Fantastic History & Hope
Example of useless design or architecture? Nespresso
Your greatest strength? I can listen and try to learn permanently
Your greatest motivation? To change the world. No less.
Your greatest weakness? I trust people too much. I critizise and have enemies, but I believe in people.
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