Inledde lördagskvällen med att lycklig vandra omkring i de olika verkstäderna på Konstfack, tillsammans med den tillresta juryn från 15 europeiska länder som kommit för att göra årets urval i tävlingen European Design Award -
ED-award De har hållit på i över fem år nu, och bedömer bidrag inom området visuell kommunikation och har i dag kommit upp i över 32 kategorier - förpackningar, videos, reklamkampanjer, grafisk design, illustrationer.... Över tusen bidrag har skickats in och juryn arbetar i 3 dagar varje år i en europeisk huvudstad. Juryn kommer från tidningar och organisationer specialiserade på området. Tidigare hade de ett samarbete med Cap och Design, men efter ägarskifte har de inte återupprättat samarbete. De vill gärna samarbeta med Form, men kanske Cap och Design egentligen är den naturligaste samarbetsparten. Eftersom jag deltog i prisutdelningen som hölls i Stockholm 2008, har vi hållit kontakt och nu hjälpte jag dem med kontakter på Telefonplan som en lämplig plats i Stockholm. Fastighetsägaren Vasakronan genom Dag Levander och Konstfacks Thomas Herrström har välkomnat dem på bästa sätt. Kvällen inleddes som sagt med rundvandring på Konstfack, och sedan bjöds vi på en experimentell middag med kombination av traditionell menukomposition, hållbarhetsinformation och nya smakbrytningar och upplevelser, som industridesignstudenterna och partners i designbyrån
Whats What bjöd oss på. Själv smet jag sedan vidare på privat 50-årskalas. En mättad kväll
Not enough many Swedish entries to the ED-award ,
says the jury, who is right now meeting at Telefonplan Stockholm for three days. Hard work with over a thousand entries to select in over 30 cathegories within visual communication. AD:s and editors from 15 prominent European magazines and organisations. The jury has become like a family over the years, but would love to welcome a Swedish partner also. Formerly they had a collaboration with Cap and Design. Thomas Herrström, teacher at the industrial design department and jack of many creative trades and initiatives, organized the jury meeting in collaboration with their Swedish representative Jonas Uddman, and offered an inspiring round tour to the various work shops of Konstfack, before we were welcomed to an experience filled dinner, prepared by the design trio Whats What
Jonas Uddman, representing ED Awards in Sweden, Thomas Herrström Konstfack, who arranged the visit at Konstfack and Telefonplan for the jury, and Greek Demetrios Fakinos, founder of the ED Award
Jury members from Italy, Germany and Great Britain discussing with Ikko Yokoyama, in charge of international relations at Konstfack
Inspiring work shops of Konstfack, graphic design, printing, glass and ceramic, industrial design prototyping, jewellery..... you name it, lots of space, latest equipment - to envy - I would love to go back to school again!
Students working on a Saturday night - here talented Simon Klenell working w glass
Chairman of the jury, Jacek Mrowczyk of 2+3 D Design magazine of Poland together with Demetrios Fakinos from Athens
More students working on a Saturday night
The former chef and sommelier, Bengt Brummer, who studied at Grythyttan, later at Parsons School of Design, and now at Konstfack industrial design department, is serving the jury an experience food concept dinner in the middle of the hall the "White Sea" The idea is to inspire the guests with experiences related to the food, and also with sustainable aspects, without taking away the joy and the traditional compsitions. We surely enjoyed it all. Bruno has formed a design trio with two friends which has received a lot of attention lately, not least for their new lamps for Svenskt Tenn, which were launched during the design week, and which I loved.
An extremely hot ceramic tray is given to all guests, onto which we ourselves poor a bit of complex flavoured sauce, which creates a wonderful sound and an experience of rich flavours to enjoy and to enhance the appetite. The tray later serves as a warmer for the plate to come
Industrial Design professor Teo Enlund of Konstfack discusses with Silvia Sfligiotti from Milano Alizarina, an engaged jury member
All reading Form in English of course
Creme Brüle flavoured with Thyme and melon, linked two by two with your neighbour