måndag 24 januari 2011

Sense of urgency needed to make necessary changes

Tur för Svensk Form att vår vice VD Christine Sundberg förra året bestämde sig för att ta en MBA på Handelshögskolan under rubriken Leading Change- som har direkt relevans mitt under Svensk Form och Forms avgörande förändringsprocess. Alla modeller och konsekvensanalyser av olika ekonomiska scenarios, senaste kunskaperna om medlems- och kundvård, modeller som direkt kan appliceras på oss. Var idag inbjuden på presentationen som Christine gjorde tillsammans med Mattias Andersson, just expert på att arbeta med medlemslivscykler mm. Nu gäller det att vi tillsammans kan implementera dessa nya verktyg och får fortsätta samverka med Mattias och Christine i processen. Tack Christine och Mattias! Dessutom proffsigt, humoristiskt och övertygande framfört vid dagens presentation

Mattias Andersson, Christine Sundberg Carendi, Ewa Kumlin at Stockholm School of Business at their Leading Change Conference Day - SSE  Executive MBA - I was invited to participate in the presentation of Christine and Mattias who has worked on Svensk Form and membership as their special case 

I understood that they are having a lot of fun in this working group at the same time as they are very serious of course

 Svensk Forms' members are quite satisfied with their membership, they stay on an average 3,6 years in our society. If only we could keep members for 6 years, it would make a tremendous impact. Also we should aim for 7000 members for next year.

Jenny Lantz PhD and program Director for this EMBA -  also a newly appointed board member of Svensk Form - special knowledge on tendencies in membership societies today

From the invitation: "At the head of the Executive MBA at the Stockholm School of Economics is a learning model that permits participants to combine theory and experience in order to generate actionable knowledge. Based on the notion that a core management capability is that of leading and implementing change, the course Leading Change has equipped participants with theories of change and a change project" - in our case Svensk Form - we are so very lucky. Thank you Christine and Mattias!

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