fredag 19 november 2010

TEX Fast-Track people carrier - a solution for urban transport

How about a train, that elevates and only takes up the space of a motorbike on the road, moving smoothly around in the city? Guto Indio ca Costa shared this amazing project, see the video of how it works on  TEX, Transport Express System, a project they have been working on for the past few years, now patented in 40 countries all over the world. Still several steps left,  to be developed into a prototype with companies and investors. Still, with archictects and designers being able to visualize and change our perspectives with new and unconventional solutions, we can make big moves forward. And public transportation in the cities around the world needs to find sustainable and functional solutions NOW. A non-pollutant urban public transporation alternitive. The vehicle moves at average speed of 60 km/hour.


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