Dagtid blir det många möten. Skrivjobb och epost får skötas på helger och i arla morgonstund. Jag älskar att gå upp riktigt tidigt och sätta mig med en kopp te och min dator när alla andra sover. Det jag får gjort på ett par morgontimmar kan motsvara en hel dag på jobbet. E-posten är däremot mera problematiskt. Det finns tyvärr inte en chans att svara på alla, hur gärna jag än skulle vilja. Jag tror många delar detta dilemma? Nu blir det SMS i stället när det brådskar. Vad kommer härnäst? Men möten på dagar och kvällar är också viktiga delar av jobbet, både med medarbetare och andra.
Days and evenings are filled with meetings related to work, and usually very rewarding. Time for writing and answering mails I keep to early mornings and weekends. And yet I cannot manage them all. Frustrating. This week was as full as ever. Here are some of the meetings:
Visit by talented glass designers Jeanette Lennartsdotter and Anna-Linda Gabriel, presenting their new initiative Glass Room, a proposed shared Nordic studio, production center and showroom in Småland, which would benefit the designers, the researchers and the companies. Go girls! I like your drive and determination! I also like your own glass work, which you can read about in last issue of Form.
Fredagsfika. Like in the good old days with Inger Dahlander and Elisabeth Blomdin at the office. Both have worked for many many years for Svensk Form. Inger is now retired but pays a visit now and then. Lisa takes care of our members and subscribers - today on a consultant basis.
I brought my collaborators Richard Prime and Josefin Hååg to visit the amazing Stockholm Business Center, CfN, here with the director Alexander Husebye and Krister Hillerud. The purpose of the meeting was how we will proceed with our new collaboration project to build up an open source web site over contemporary Swedish Design, thanks to a generous donation by the Söderbergs Foundations. Richard Prime will be the editor. Josefin is doing a short internship at Svensk Form and enjoyed thoroughly to see the gigantic archives.
Richard Prime, our newly appointed English speaking editor for the new web site, discussed with Kerstin Sylwan, our blogger and editor of www.Savingtheplanetinstyle.se how to continue and syncronize the various web sites. Josefin listens and learns.