söndag 30 januari 2011

The weeks of fashion starts today in Stockholm

Idag börjar den första modeveckan i Stockholm. Nu har man nästan lyckats komma överens och de två konkurrerande modeveckorna äger rum i anslutning till varandra. Mercedez Benz Fashion Week   startar idag 31 januari - 3 februari och Stockholm Fashion Week 7-13 februari Den första drivs av ASFB - Association of Swedish Fashion Brands  och startades av några av de större företagen som främst inriktar sig på export såsom exempelvis AcneCheap MondayFilippa KHope,Tiger of Sweden och Whyred samt två av grundarna av Fashion Week by Berns (Bon Magazineoch Patriksson Communication) samt VisitSweden . ASFB har växt i både storlek och betydelse, och vi strävar även efter att kunna jobba mera med dem i vår internationalisering. Den andra veckan drivs av Moderådet och riktar sig mot bransch och press, innehåller allt från kedjorna till Rookies. Själv missar jag dessvärre dessa tre första dagar, ska just bila upp till Dalarna och hjälpa min mor som ska återvända till sitt hem efter fyra månader på sjukhus. Självklar prioritering förstås. Men jag är nyfiken på mycket i veckan, begåvade Martin Bergström, Marina Kereklidous återupplivning av Busnel, fashion talks på onsdag mm mm

About Stockholm Fashion Weeek: The Swedish Fashion Council co-ordinates the Stockholm Fashion Week four times a year. The various activities are presented in a program showing where and when trade fairs, shows and other events will take place. January/February and August are the major fashion weeks. May and November are focusing on retailers collections and interior design (mainly for Swedish journalists). Upcoming dates: Stockholm Fashion Week - February 7-13 2011

About Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week: Since the first event in 2005, Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week has grown to become one of the most important of its kind in Scandinavia.  With a focus on attracting the international fashion community of press and buyers to Swedish design, the fashion week now supports nearly forty local design houses twice annually. Also returning are the Fashion talks sessions which will be held at the Architecture museum on Thursday February 3rd. Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week's primary location of well-renowned Berns Salonger in central Stockholm is a tribute to both timeless elegance and contemporary style, and suits perfectly this new platform for Swedish style. 

lördag 29 januari 2011

Olof Palme Award goes to Eyad El-Sarraj

Palestinske psykiatrikern, freds- och människorättsaktivisten Eyad El-Sarraj fick i går Olof Palmes pris 2010 "för sin oförtröttliga kamp för fönuft, försoning och fred i en region som präglas av våld, ockupation, förtryck och mänsklig misär"
Attended the award-ceremony of the 2010 Olof Palme award yesterday.  The ceremony took place in the House of Parliament, 2nd chamber, and was filled to the brim. Politicians, media, representatives from human rights organizations, art and culture. Prize winner Eyad El-Sarraj, pschycatrist and human rights activist from Palestine, couldn't come himself to receive the award, which instead was handed to his son by Listbet Palme. Shaking and eye opening discussions on the ongoing traumatic situation in Gaza. Here we cannot only talk about post-traumatic stress, but constantly ongoing stress, physical and mental. On all the populations, children and old. New generations, who will never forget.

 Chairman of the Olof Palme Memorial Fund Pierre Schori opened the ceremony, and Lisbet Palme quoted her husband Olof and remided us of his words before she handed over the price to the son of Eyad El-Sarraj. A worthy prize winner, who never gives up his struggle.

10 companies in one Etage at Rosenlundsgatan

Det har blivit ett riktigt designkluster uppe vid Rosenlundsgatan i Stockholm. Häromdagen öppnade ett nytt premanent showroom, Etage1, med 10 producenter i en gemensam utställning. Det firades med fest arrangerad av Trendgruppen. Sympatiskt att utställningen var gjord så att alla företag och produkter var blandade i gemensamt skapade miljöer, i stället för sedvanligt separata varumärken. Alla frontade med Etage1, och det egna varumärket var underordnat. Gestaltningen var gjord av inredningsarkitekt Elisabeth Ahlbom.  Producenterna är: Aspeqt, Hess, Kirsch Scandinavia, Kährs, Ljungbergs textil, Morgana, Officeline, Swedstyle, Väveriet. Adressen är Rosenlundsgatan 40, 1tr, Stockholm, www.etage1.se 
Yet another showroom has opened on Rosenlundsgatan in Stockholm, Etage1, where 10 producers have made a joint venture and a joint exhibition, mixing the separate brands into a common environment. Open to the public daily, and especially active of course during the Stockholm Design Week 7-12 February.

Stefan Nilsson, Trendgruppen, acting host for the party, welcomes Kerstin Sylwan, our editor of www.savingtheplanetinstyle.se

 Kirsch Scandinavia
  Mitab - members of Svensk Form Company Pool - brothers and owners Peter Torstensson and Marcus Torstensson

TMF congratulates with "non trendy" flower to Peter Torstensson

Sanna Gebeyehu wasn't too keen to be photographed. Very busy to get everything ready with her seminar series "hello" for the furniture fair on the importance of meeting. Finger to you too dear Sanna!

We liked the red and organge bar tables - more colour please!

Mats Molander of Hess with cool german designer Jozef Legrand lamp

All the brands joined in under the common show room name ETAGE1

Ola Rune of CKR together with Helena Linden of Stockholm Furniture Fair

Titti Liljegren and Anne-Marie Linghammar of Ljungbergs Textile company, dressed in fantastic patterns by Viola Gråsten from the 50's - you can't miss them!

Interior Architect Elizabeth Ahlberg designed the exhibition, here in conversation with Kerstin Berg


Style coordination - hair and skirt

Johan Sjöberg receives Royal condecoration

Handlingskraftige entreprenören Johan Sjöberg från Möbelriket får den 2 februari en välförtjänt utmärkelse från Kungen: "medalj i 8:e storleken i serafimerordens band för betydelsefulla insatser inom svenskt näringsliv". För att fira detta bjöd han igår familj, vänner och kollegor på småländsk ostkaka och kaffe ombord på M/S Segelkrona, som ligger nere vid Skeppsholmen. Grattis Johan!

Congratulations Johan Sjöberg to your Royal Medal , which you will receive from the hands of His Majesty himself on February 2nd, for your exceptional achievements within Swedish trade and industry. Well deserved! Chairman of many companies and organisations in the region of Småland, Johan is also the chairman of the Friendship Society of Cheesecake from Småland. Therefore he took the opportunity to celebrate with friends and family yesterday with cheesecake on board a small ship on our island Skeppsholmen in Stockholm.

Meetings during the week

Dagtid blir det många möten. Skrivjobb och epost får skötas på helger och i arla morgonstund. Jag älskar att gå upp riktigt tidigt och sätta mig med en kopp te och min dator när alla andra sover. Det jag får gjort på ett par morgontimmar kan motsvara en hel dag på jobbet. E-posten är däremot mera problematiskt. Det finns tyvärr inte en chans att svara på alla, hur gärna jag än skulle vilja. Jag tror många delar detta dilemma? Nu blir det SMS i stället när det brådskar. Vad kommer härnäst? Men möten på dagar och kvällar är också viktiga delar av jobbet, både med medarbetare och andra. 

Days and evenings are filled with meetings related to work, and usually very rewarding. Time for writing and answering mails I keep to early mornings and weekends. And yet I cannot manage them all. Frustrating. This week was as full as ever. Here are some of the meetings:

Visit by talented glass designers Jeanette Lennartsdotter and Anna-Linda Gabriel, presenting their new initiative Glass Room, a proposed shared Nordic studio, production center and showroom in Småland, which would benefit the designers, the researchers and the companies. Go girls! I like your drive and determination! I also like your own glass work, which you can read about in last issue of Form.

Fredagsfika. Like in the good old days with Inger Dahlander and Elisabeth Blomdin at the office. Both have worked for many many years for Svensk Form. Inger is now retired but pays a visit now and then. Lisa takes care of our members and subscribers - today on a consultant basis.
I brought my collaborators Richard Prime and Josefin Hååg to visit the amazing Stockholm Business Center, CfN, here with the director Alexander Husebye and Krister Hillerud. The purpose of the meeting was how we will proceed with our new collaboration project to build up an open source web site over contemporary Swedish Design, thanks to a generous donation by the Söderbergs Foundations. Richard Prime will be the editor. Josefin is doing a short internship at Svensk Form and enjoyed thoroughly to see the gigantic archives.
Richard Prime, our newly appointed English speaking editor for the new web site, discussed with Kerstin Sylwan, our blogger and editor of www.Savingtheplanetinstyle.se how to continue and syncronize the various web sites. Josefin listens and learns.

torsdag 27 januari 2011

Something else - Beckmans Fashion Films at NK

Gå till NK:s skyltfönster på Regeringsgatan och titta på Beckmansstudenternas kollektioner och filmer. Imponerande och tecken i tiden på värden och rörelser som pågår just nu. 17 studenter från modelinjen och 16 studenter från reklamlinjen (nästa kull kallas det visuell kommunikation) har samarbetet med film och kollektioner. Sevärt. Hoppas vi kan ta med filmerna och några studenter till Milano och London.

Yesterday night the department Store NK opened the doors to a big party and show for Beckmans School and friends for an exclusive premier of the 17 fashion movies created by the students. You can see it all in the window displays along Regeringsgatan. Amazing films, as photograps and moving stills reflecting our time and values and thoughts in the students present mind. I want to bring them to Milan and London for our large exhibitions.